I am a painter mostly but like to experiment with sculpture and work 3D once in awhile. I teach college students and occasionally younger students to create drawings. This site is a way to communicate with my students and my audience on the processes of my work.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Pet Portraits

To raise funds for a group to which I belong, I agreed to offer graphite pet portraits as an auction item. We sold three and I finished the first of the trilogy. It is a fun project and great practice handling animal fur which will help to inform my students when we do fur coats in Fashion Sketching class. I anxiously await my next furry friend.
Manny is a long-hair almost perfectly 50% grey creature which limited the range of greys with which to portray is fur. The challenge was to to offer enough contrast to describe his fur and maintain the feeling he is a grey cat and not black or white. Fun to do and Manny's protector was happy with the results.